About me

Hi. This is me:

my pic

My name is Kumar. Some people call me kd, or ku-band-mar, I’m known for being…

My Active Projects

nixdots My dotfiles for the Nix ecosystem as started in this post.
home-lab My Terraform, Ansible repository for self-hosting as described in this post.
nccli A Docker-ized Golang CLI for CRUD ops for Namecheap’s DNS settings.

If you found something above to be useful, consider sending a few coins my way!

Professional Life

Treat this section as an extension of my resume.

2020 - now

Currently working as a DevOps at Kepler 📡.

This is mostly a software (infrastructure) dev gig for a start-up, which is a bit new to me coming from a more traditional DevOps role with a mature company. There is a ton of specialized space related equipment here that present interesting problems in DevOps.

I’ve learned a ton about embedded computers, networking and network automation, which has opened my world up to all sorts of home projects for which I am very grateful for. So far, I’ve been responsible for the following:

Beyond my work as an Individual Contributor (IC), I’ve also been responsible for instilling DevOps principles within the team on our journey to maturity.

2019 - 2020

Worked as a DevOps Engineer at AcuityAds in Toronto. The main selling point for me to work here is that Acuity does not use AWS, GCP or Azure etc. to host its infrastructure, it has its own on-prem ‘cloud’. This presents substantial challenges for us as DevOps Engineers that would normally be handled by a public cloud provider.

Apart from this, due to the nature of adtech, we deal with massive amounts of data, which forces us to be very careful about the types of technologies we use (scale). Here is a subset of what I’ve gained experience with during my time:

2016 - 2017

I worked at Achiga (formerly WebCanada) as part of my PEY (internship) program from U of T for 12 months. As part of this, I was involved in:

2014 - 2016

I’ve worked on several other small-buisness type projects involving website designing, and scripting over the years in between semesters.


Monero (XMR)
xmr wallet qr code
Bitcoin (BTC)
btc wallet qr code


Git, email, and resume